$960,000+ is the second installment of the SVA MFA Thesis show, featuring the work of brianelectro, Eun Woo Cho, Michael Egan, Nikolas Gambaroff, Miryana Gilgoric, Hadassa Goldvicht, Yu-Sheng Ho, Sung Hee Jang, Crisman Liverman, Jason Losh, Lara Star Martini, Ann Oren, Lai-Chung Poon, Ryan Sullivan, Kristen Wykret, Yejin Yoo, and is curated by João Ribas.
This is an open forum for discussions on our shared methodology as well as individual thesis projects, art practice in general, and the realities of making art in a $804.2 billion city.
March 23-April 7, 2007
Reception: Tuesday, March 27th, 6-8pm
Visual Arts Gallery
601 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10001